Sunday, June 21, 2009

Let the Sun Shine...

After many rainy days in NYC, it looks like the sun is peeking out of the clouds. Just in time for Summer Solstice. It is also Father's Day, which I think is good, the sun in many cultures represents the paternal, masculine force. I'm wishing a Happy Father's Day to my own dad, even though we are not always close, he is still my father and I love him. Also to my older brother who became a dad for the first time this year to a lovely Oshun girl. I give thanks and honor to my grandfathers and forefathers on this day.
Tomorrow is a special New Moon. The moon will be closest in its orbit to the earth. This is a powerful day. Interesting how it falls right after the day of the Summer Solstice. The Solstice this year is on a Sunday (the sun's day) and Father's Day. The New Moon is on a Monday (moon's day). It is like the masculine and feminine Divine Forces are balanced in the Heavens. We need help from Big Daddy and Big Mama in this world.
This Solstice I'm feeling an Egyptian vibe. The Egyptians were big on sun worship. I think this Solstice/New Moon thing is very Horus and Hathor so I put their pictures above. Let the Sun and the Moon shine and bless us all!!


Magaly Guerrero said...

Time for magic!