Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keep Looking Upward

"Remember all those who suffer from their own downfall, after having believed themselves to be winners, and who now weep for the many lost hours. So while you still have time, seek to enrich your own spirits for the tomorrow which awaits you because, in accordance with the teachings of the Lord, it is of no use to retain the outward appearance of the splendor of all the empires of this world, if you maintain darkness within your heart."
Emmanuel, via Chico Xavier (Brazilian Spiritualist)

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Novena to Saint Barbara

Novena to Saint Barbara

O Saint Barbara, I offer this prayer to you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. With a sword bearing your illustrious name, Saint Barbara, I make a sign of the cross over my heart. I pray that your spirit by my faith, that your protection and justice be my guide, and from all my heart I beg that you grant this petition. (Mention your request). I hope to obtain this help through your grace. Amen.

Say this novena nine times in a row for nine days in a row.

(Excerpted from the book, “Novena: The Power of Prayer” by Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPaqua).