Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Angel Card Reading for the week of 1/3/12

Third Eye Chakra

It is safe for you to see the energy of love in all its forms such as angels, auras, and visions.

This card comes to you in response to your questions about your future. You have visions about yourself, and you're wondering if they are real or mere imagination. Well the angels assure you that you are having accurate insights and they wish to encourage your visual spiritual gifts.
You have natural clairvoyant tendencies, governed by the energy center located between your two physical eyes, which is known as the third eye chakra. The angels send clairvoyant messages that you .in your mind's eye as shapes, colors, mental movies, dreams, and so forth. Or you may receive their messages via your physical sight such as in the recurring number sequences (111, 444, and so forth)lights and moving objects, or through signs and symbols including feathers, rainbows, clouds, and coins.
The angels wish to help you fully awaken your third eye and understand your psychic visions. They are guiding you to notice and trust all that you see with your inner and outer vision.

Card and reading meaning from Angel Therapy Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue