Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cielo Azul

One giant step closer, three baby steps back. I've been focused lately on just moving ahead. Each day seems like a minor victory in the major war that I'm waging. The sun is shining today and I see the blue vault of Heaven. Even when it was cloudy this morning, there was a luminescence about that made the clouds glow. It reminded me of Obatala and the odu of Ofun.
I gave thanks to the friends and family who have stood by and gave counsel and kind words.
I bought one of my friends at work some roses of various hues last week. I saw that she was down about things and I decided to remedy that with some flowers. I figured I have to do my part to shine a bit of light in this world and every bit helps.
My mind is constantly focused on a certain someone who I don't really see that often because of time constraints. I try to not let it upset me. My poetic mind conjures images of banishment and loneliness but I realize it's just fear talking. Whatever outcomes will occur in Life, I know that it will turn out ok. I just have to arm myself with the shield of Faith, the sword of Justice, the arrows of Truth, and leap into that chariot of Victory. One thing I forgot and the most important element and intangible element, Love.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Obstruction or Construction
by DG

Where once were pebbles on your road, minor annoyances,
now lie boulders,
that seem nigh impassable, a heavy load,
slumped in defeat, burdened shoulders.

Desire deferred,
dreams transferred
equation of persuasion,
relinquish what you hold most dear,
surrendering to the drama of fear.

In difficulties lie the seeds of hope
strengthening the will to cope, with the challenges of life,
seeking peace, an end to strife.

Not all is lost, no need to fight or wrangle.
Find a different route, approach from a different angle.
A new perspective made clear.
Many will laugh at you, jeer or silently sneer.

Other wills look up to you and follow in your wake,
marveling and praising the choices you make.
Keep walking forward, head held high.
Never looking down.
Victory is at hand-seize the crown!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cinnamon Sunset

Cinnamon Sunset
by DG

The last rays of sunlight fade in the west, leaving an orange glimmering of day.
The New Moon rises in the sign of the Virgin, lauding a new era of possibility.
Anointed with oils of patchouli and cinnamon,
the fire of spice enters my veins,
boiling my blood to a simmering temperature,
igniting the fuses of desire,
furnace of passions fire,
which cannot be sated or satiated
until it meets its equal in flame.
Fire that meets measure for measure in brilliance,
heat that exudes will warm the house of my spirit.
The moon is the mirror which reflects the glory of the sun,
your brilliance is reflected in the wells of my eyes,
and the magnificence of my soul is spoken by your words of praise.
Two kings without a kingdom or a crown,
left to wander in the desert on this starry night.
I light the watch fires which will guard us till dawn.