Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cielo Azul

One giant step closer, three baby steps back. I've been focused lately on just moving ahead. Each day seems like a minor victory in the major war that I'm waging. The sun is shining today and I see the blue vault of Heaven. Even when it was cloudy this morning, there was a luminescence about that made the clouds glow. It reminded me of Obatala and the odu of Ofun.
I gave thanks to the friends and family who have stood by and gave counsel and kind words.
I bought one of my friends at work some roses of various hues last week. I saw that she was down about things and I decided to remedy that with some flowers. I figured I have to do my part to shine a bit of light in this world and every bit helps.
My mind is constantly focused on a certain someone who I don't really see that often because of time constraints. I try to not let it upset me. My poetic mind conjures images of banishment and loneliness but I realize it's just fear talking. Whatever outcomes will occur in Life, I know that it will turn out ok. I just have to arm myself with the shield of Faith, the sword of Justice, the arrows of Truth, and leap into that chariot of Victory. One thing I forgot and the most important element and intangible element, Love.


omi said...

sweet thoughts...