Saturday, April 30, 2011

Living in the Moment

Loving life allows us to live in the moment, enjoying all of life's benefits. Not being afraid of death, teaches us nothing is permanent and not to be too attached to things.

This thought process came to me after praying.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Angel Oracle Reading

So I drew a card for myself using the Healing with the Angels Oracle Deck to see what is in store for today Thursday, April 28

The card I drew was Enchantment
Card Meaning-"Recapture your childlike sense of wonder and awe. View the world as a magical place."

"Remember when you were a child and how magical the world seemed? The sense of enchantment is the spirit of our inner child. Somewhere along the way, did you lose that sense of wonder?
The angels ask you to recapture your magical sense by remembering that a miraculous power surounds you. Ask God and the angels to help you with anything- small or large. Don't worry-you aren't removing angels from "more important tasks" when you ask for their helo with everday situations. They truly want to support you so that you are free of worries. In that way, you exude the joy and wonder of children who trust that they are taken care of. When you are joyful, your Divine light inspires everyone who sees you."

Friday, April 22, 2011


Everyday life can be a bit of a frustration. Often there is no time to relax, reflect, or just catch your breath. This can lead to a handful of problems.
In times like this, I find myself easily irritated and defensive. This month was particularly frustrating. Mercury in Retrograde through the sign of Aries seem to cause flare ups in myself and others. Things I normally would have brushed aside, I chose to make an issue out of.
Last Friday, my co-workers and I were laid off our jobs. While I find the free time to be most refreshing, the lack of money is not. Still I have a feeling that better things will come along.
Right now I am taking the time to relax, organize, and get my priorities in order. Part of this includes releasing a lot of the old pain of the past. Some of this includes rebuilding and healing the patches of my soul. A lot has to do with forgiveness of myself and others. Letting go of confusion is a start and embracing that I have the knowledge to go forward.

Taking the time to breath and reflect has helped a lot the past few days. It has put things in perspective, as I move from sorrow to joy.

Thanks to all your bright stars and angels on earth for your patience, advice, and most of all Love. Ashe!

Saturday, April 02, 2011

New Moon in Aries:April 2011

"It is time to hunt for what brings you strength." -from the Diana card of the Goddess Oracle deck