Monday, May 24, 2010

Le roi monte sur son trône

So the dating thing didn't work out but it's cool. We're still friends. as a
result I think I want to become a monk and say 12 rosaries a day.
However doing so would deprive society of my magnificent presence so
NO! :) I will still say rosaries however but no monastery. Ah but the love of my heart is furthest from me.
In the meantime, it's time for the mission to continue. I need to get moving on my spiritual work again. I'm officiating the wedding of one of my co-workers next month in Central Park. This will be the third wedding I've officiated.
I'm currently reading the book Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and enjoying it immensely. It is supposed to be made into a film starring Julia Roberts. I like the author's writing style and her approach to her quest for happiness.
My love for the orishas and especially my own crown, Baba Logunede has deepened recently. All I can say is Orisha is Pure Love!


Magaly Guerrero said...

"Dating" almost a dirty word, huh? Well, guess who's dating too? Yep, yours truly. Things seem to be going okay as of right now, but after my last few relationships I'm kind of skeptical. I'm just taking it one step at the time and hoping for the best. I'm sure what's supposed to happen will happen anyway. Same for you...

omi said...

ase o...keep working, keep moving. *hugs*